Upperdog Blog

4 tips for Facebook audience targeting

Alex Digital Copywriter
Social Ads
3 mins

As a leading social advertising agency, it goes without saying that we love Meta (aka Facebook and Instagram) advertising. With nearly 3 billion monthly users alone, it’s clear to see how Facebook can be such a powerful marketing tool. However, having so many users can also mean your ads are struggling to reach the right target market. Many Facebook advertisers struggle with this, but there are some fundamental steps you can learn to put your ads in front of the right audience. Find out our top tips we’ve picked up as a Facebook Ads agency:

1.      Audit Your Account

A lot of the solutions are found within your account! Although often missed, the account overview has useful insights into campaign trends and recommendations. When auditing your account to optimise targeted advertising on Facebook, there are some key things to look out for:

  • Audiences – check for audience overlap and exclude where necessary.
  • Campaign structure – too many campaigns can cause cross-competition and spread budget too thinly.
  • Review tracking set-up – test events in the events manager to ensure tracking is accurate.

2.      Check Your Pixel

The pixel is a piece of code for your website that is beneficial for targeted advertising on Facebook. Having a pixel implemented correctly allows you to measure, optimise, and build custom audiences for your ad campaigns. With this, you can utilise remarketing audiences to show your ads to recent website visitors. You can even narrow your targeting down to exclude people who have recently completed purchases, if they’re unlikely to re-purchase.

3.      Test Your Campaigns

Test campaigns help you learn quickly and are cost-effective. The insights you gain into what works for your business are extremely helpful so you can review and evaluate which audiences and creatives work for your campaign. From this, you can pause audiences/creatives that aren’t performing and direct your budget to the best performers to maximise results.

4.      Find a Specialist Facebook Ads Agency

Luckily, you don’t have to think about all of this! At Upperdog, we can optimise your Facebook ads strategy and make sure your ads are performing at their best. From pixel set-up to audience research, we are experts in targeted advertising on Facebook. We’re not limited to Facebook either. As a social advertising agency, we can also help you with advertising on Instagram, TikTok, Pinterest and LinkedIn.

Want To Learn More?

If you’re in need of additional support or information about Facebook advertising,  get in touch with our friendly team. Send us an email at hello@upperdog.co.uk or call us on 01202 798820. We also offer SEO, PPC, and design and development services too!

Alex Grandfield Written by Alex Grandfield Digital Copywriter Read more from Alex

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