Upperdog Blog

WhistleGPS – Worry Less. Adventure More.

Zhara Founder
2 mins

If you’ve been following Upperdog for a while, you’ll know we’re always scouting out the digital landscape for tech that will make life a little easier – especially for fellow fans of the canine kind.

Several months ago we posted about Whistle – an activity monitor that could keep track of your dog’s fitness levels. Since then, Whistle has had an update and the makers have returned with a revamped version, WhistleGPS.

“Worry less. Adventure more” is the tagline for Whistle Labs latest release. So what’s new? Well, any skeptics of Whistle’s original purpose will undoubtedly be captured by its reinstated ingenuity. The folks behind the app recognized a key feature that was missing from the original that’s now been introduced. GPS!

Not only can the wearable gizmo track Milo or Dexter’s activity but it now has made the jump from useful to crucial. With GPS tracking, you’re able to monitor the exact location of your dog – an absolute essential for the tunnel-diggers & pigeon-chasers.

For those hounds with a touch of Houdini, you can bring up the newly crafted app, log into your account and pinpoint their exact location. With a battery life of 8+ days, you’re given plenty of time to track down & catch up with your dog. The crafty little app features GPS, cellular technology & Wi-Fi synchronization, so your location isn’t important in determining theirs.


With 10 million pets lost annually, WhistleGPS is another exciting gadget that utilizes the “internet of things” – and a gadget built upon the love for your pet. For the dog-walkers, sitters, curious & worriers, WhistleGPS has Upperdog’s seal of approval. Upperdog is a digital marketing and web design company in Bournemouthget in touch to find out more.

Zhara Woods Written by Zhara Woods Founder Read more from Zhara

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