Upperdog Blog

The Digital Landscape So Far in 2015

Zhara Founder

Naturally at the Upperdog kennels we’re dotty for digital and 2015 so far hasn’t disappointed. Here’s a short rundown of the digital world’s biggest stories for the first quarter:

The End of Internet Explorer

Microsoft has announced the demise of Internet Explorer. Ridiculed by many online, this browser was a first for many of us online today. So say “Goodbye” to IE and “Hello” to Project Spartan, or whatever the new browser will be called.

Google Updates its Algorithm for Mobile SEO

What will impact mobile search significantly more than Penguin or Panda? The answer is Google’s mobile-friendly ranking algorithm, launching on April 21st. Strap in and make sure your website can stand the test or suffer the consequences (in your rankings)!

Hyphen or Underscore in URLs; It Doesn’t Matter Any More

Hyphens and underscores are now on an equal level in SEO credibility when it comes to SEO friendly URLs. It’s always been recommended to use hyphens but now underscores are viewed in the same way. We’ll still favour hyphens – they just look neater!

Google+ Update

Google+ is being split up – quite literally. Instead of one blanket network, Google+ will be split into three distinct areas: Hangouts, Photos and Streams. This new direction could prove quite interesting and is a big indicator that the social network is being phased out.

AdWords Update PPC Guidebook

If you’re new to PPC it can be difficult to get a handle on things with constant updates. Google AdWords has created a “how to” guide within the Learn tab to help users new to the platform, acting as a guidebook to all things AdWords. Simples!

Has all this talk of digital got you thinking about your own position on the internet? Request a free SEO audit and we’ll run a quick diagnostic and tell you how you’re doing. Call us on 01202 798 820 or email hello@upperdog.co.uk.

Zhara Woods Written by Zhara Woods Founder Read more from Zhara

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