As an SEO agency in Bournemouth, we take great interest in technology and the ways in which it has progressed. There is no debate that technology has changed massively over the years, but it can be good fun to take a step back and reflect on how far the digital world has come. Discover some of the differences between the technologies of the past and present.
Early digital computers such as the EINAC and the Z3 were humongous, taking up space and often on the wall! These days, computers are everywhere. We have computers on our desks, in our pockets, and in our cars. On top of this, many of today’s computers are a million times faster than those of the past! Next time your computer is running slowly, think of the old days before you complain!
Mobile Phones
Although the first mobile phone call was made in 1973, the first commercially available handheld mobile phone was the Motorola DynaTAC 8000x, released a decade later. The phone was huge, in size and in price, standing at 13 inches high and costing just under $4,000. You might complain about your smartphone’s battery, but imagine charging it for 10 hours only to talk for 30 minutes before depleting it again!
Video Games
Classic video games such as Pong, Space Invaders, and Pac Man are vastly different to the video games we see today. First and foremost, they were played on arcade machines and not in the comfort of a home. There was no kicking back after work and playing a quick game of FIFA before dinner. Perhaps if this was still the case then some of us would actually go to sleep on time!
As a digital marketing and SEO agency, it’s only fitting to look at how technology has influenced our own area of expertise. The term, ‘Digital marketing’ was first used in the 1990s and described the use of digital channels and platforms to promote products and services. Although this can still define digital marketing today, these platforms and channels have grown immensely, creating the need for Upperdog and our SEO, PPC and web development services in Bournemouth!
Are you in need of a digital marketing agency? Call Upperdog today on 01202 798 820 or email to see how we can bring you into the digital future!